术语 #
- ACK: Acknowledgment (确认报文)
- AVP: Audio and Video profile (音频视频描述)
- B-Frame: Bi-directional Predicted Frame. A partial picture, is a modification of previous and future pictures. (双向预测帧,存储图片的部分信息,存储的是相对前一张图片和后一张图片的差异信息)
- DCEP: Data Channel Establishment Protocol defined in RFC 8832 (DataChannel 建立协议)
- DeMux: Demultiplexer (解复用器)
- DLSR: delay since last sender report (从最近一个 Sender Report 开始的时间延迟)
- DTLS: Datagram Transport Layer Security defined in RFC 6347
- E2E: end-to-end
- FEC: Forward Error Correction (前向纠错)
- FIR: Full INTRA-frame Request (完整 I 帧请求)
- G.711: A narrowband audio codec (一个窄带音频编码器)
- H.264: Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services (面向通用视听服务的高级视频编码)
- H.265: Conformance specification for ITU-T H.265 high efficiency video coding. (ITU-T H.265 高效视频编码的一致性规范)
- HEVC: High Efficiency Video Coding (高效视频编码)
- HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (超文本传输协议)
- HTTPS: HTTP Over TLS defined in RFC 2818 (基于 TLS 的 HTTP)
- I-Frame: Intra-coded Frame. A complete picture, can be decoded without anything else. (内部编码帧,保存完整图片信息,自解码,不依赖外部数据)
- ICE: Interactive Connectivity Establishment defined in RFC 8445 (交互式连接建立协议)
- INIT: Initiate (初始化)
- IoT: Internet of Things (物联网)
- IPv4: Internet Protocol, Version 4 (第四代因特网协议)
- IPv6: Internet Protocol, Version 6 (第六代因特网协议)
- ITU-T: International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (国际电信联盟电信标准分局)
- JSEP: JavaScript Session Establishment Protocol defined in RFC 8829 (JavaScript 会话建立协议)
- MCU: Multi-point Conferencing Unit (多点会话单元)
- mDNS: Multicast DNS defined in RFC 6762 (组播 DNS)
- MITM: Man-In-The-Middle
- MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit (最大传输单元)
- MUX: Multiplexing (复用,一般指把不同格式的数据合并存储或传输)
- NACK: Negative Acknowledgment (逆确认报文,ACK 反馈收到报文 ,NACK 反馈未收到报文 )
- NAT: Network Address Translation defined in RFC 4787 (网络地址转换,域名地址转换成 IP 地址)
- Opus: A totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec (一个完全开放、免版税、高度通用的音频编解码器)
- P-Frame: Predicted Frame. A partial picture, containing only changes from the previous picture. (前向预测帧,只保存相对于上一帧的差异信息)
- P2P: peer-to-peer
- PLI: Picture Loss Indication (图片丢失指示)
- PPID: Payload Protocol Identifier (Payload 协议标识)
- REMB: Receiver Estimated Maximum Bitrate (接收端估计的最大比特率)
- RFC: Request for Comments (征求意见)
- RMCAT: RTP Media Congestion Avoidance Techniques (RTP 媒体拥塞避免技术)
- RR: Receiver Report (RCTP 接收者报告)
- RTCP: RTP Control Protocol defined in RFC 3550 (RTP 控制协议)
- RTP: Real-time transport protocol defined in RFC 3550 (实时传输协议)
- RTT: Round-trip time (往返时间)
- SACK: Selective Acknowledgment (选择性确认)
- SCTP: Stream Control Transmission Protocol defined in RFC 4960 (流控传输协议)
- SDP: Session Description Protocol defined in RFC 8866 (会话描述协议)
- SFU: Selective Forwarding Unit (选择性转发单元)
- SR: Sender Report (RCTP 发送者报告)
- SRTP: Secure Real-time Transport Protocol defined in RFC 3711 (安全的 RTP)
- SSRC: Synchronization Source (同步源)
- STUN: Session Traversal Utilities for NAT defined in RFC 8489 (NAT 会话穿透)
- TCP: Transmission Control Protocol (传输控制协议)
- TLS: The Transport Layer Security defined in RFC 8446 (传输层安全)
- TMMBN: Temporary Maximum Media Stream Bit Rate Notification (临时最大媒体流比特率通知)
- TMMBR: Temporary Maximum Media Stream Bit Rate Request (临时最大媒体流比特率请求)
- TSN: Transmission Sequence Number (传输序列号)
- TURN: Traversal Using Relays around NAT defined in RFC 8656 (基于转发的 NAT 穿透)
- TWCC: Transport Wide Congestion Control (传输拥塞控制)
- UDP: User Datagram Protocol (数据报协议)
- VP8, VP9: Highly-efficient video compression technologies (video “codecs”) developed by the WebM Project. Anyone may use these codecs royalty-free. (WebM 项目开发的高效视频压缩技术 (视频编解码),完全免费)
- WebM: An open media file format designed for the web. (一个开放的 Web 媒体文件格式)
- WebRTC: Web Real-Time Communications. W3C WebRTC 1.0: Real-Time Communication Between Browsers (Web 实时通信)