

WebRTC For The Curious #

Introduction #

WebRTC For The Curious is an open-source book created by WebRTC implementers to share their hard-earned knowledge with the world. It’s written for those who are always looking for more and don’t settle for abstraction.

Key features #

  • Focus on protocols and APIs, not specific software.
  • Summarizes RFCs and collects undocumented knowledge.
  • Vendor-agnostic approach.
  • Not a tutorial - contains minimal code.

WebRTC is a powerful technology, but it can be challenging to use. This book aims to provide a comprehensive, unbiased resource for understanding WebRTC.

Who this book is for #

  • Developers new to WebRTC, wanting to learn more.
  • Current WebRTC developers seeking deeper understanding beyond APIs.
  • Established developers needing debugging help.
  • WebRTC implementers requiring clarification on specific parts.

Book structure #

Designed for multiple readings #

Each chapter is self-contained, allowing you to start anywhere in the book without getting lost.

Chapter format #

Each chapter answers a single question with three levels of information:

  1. What needs to be solved?
  2. How do we solve it? (Including technical details)
  3. Where to learn more.

No prior knowledge required #

You can begin learning at any point in the book. We also provide resources for further study on individual topics. Other books cover individual topics in much greater depth. This book aims to teach you the entire system, at the cost of expert level details.

Availability and License #

Privacy Commitment #

  • Written by individuals, for individuals.
  • Vendor-agnostic with no conflicts of interest.
  • No analytics or tracking on the website.

Get involved! #

We welcome your contributions! Visit our GitHub page to:

  • Open issues for questions.
  • Suggest improvements.
  • Contribute to the ongoing development of this book.

License #

This book is available under the CC0 license. The authors have waived all their copyright and related rights in their works to the fullest extent allowed by law. You may use this work however you want and no attribution is required.